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Blend_overlay kisara



Blend_Overlay will either screen or multiply the Base and Blend together. The function does a comparison on the Blend color such that wherever the Blend is brighter than 50% gray, the Base and Blend will be combined via a Screen operation. If the Blend is darker than 50% gray, the Base will be multiplied by the Blend as in the Multiply function.

Item Description
Base (Vector3) The base, or original texture that will be blended with the Blend texture in some way.
Blend (Vector3) The blend texture, which is combined with the base in some way based on the type of blend operation taking place.

Blend_Overlay将屏蔽或将“基本”和“混合”相乘。 该功能对“混合”颜色进行比较,这样,只要“混合”比50%的灰度亮,就可以通过“屏幕”操作将“基础”和“混合”组合在一起。 如果“混合”比50%的灰度暗,则将“底数”乘以“混合”,如“乘”功能中一样。


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